Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies to improve the user experience. Below you will find information on what cookies are, what type of cookies this website uses, how you can disable cookies in your browser and how to specifically disable the installation of third party cookies. If you do not find the information you are looking for, please send an email to

1. Background

De conformidad con la normativa española que regula el uso de cookies en relación a la prestación de servicios de comunicaciones electrónicas, recogida en el Real Decreto Ley 13/2012 del 30 de marzo, le informamos sobre las cookies utilizadas en el sitio web de Lagar del Chorro (INCYM S.A.) (también Lagar del Chorro o el prestador) y el motivo de su uso. Asimismo, le informamos de que al navegar en el Sitio Web usted está prestando su consentimiento para poder utilizarlas.

2. What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain websites. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their computer and, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your computer, they can be used to recognise the user. Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer or device and do not provide references that allow their personal data to be known.

3. Cookies affected by the regulation and exempt cookies

According to the EU directive, the cookies that require informed consent from the user are analytical cookies and advertising and affiliation cookies, with the exception of those of a technical nature and those necessary for the operation of the website or the provision of services. expressly requested by the user.

4. Types of cookies

Depending on the entity that manages the domain from which the cookies are sent and the data obtained are processed, two types can be distinguished:

  • Own cookies: are those that are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the editor itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
  • Third-party cookies: These are cookies that are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the editor, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies.

Depending on the length of time they remain active, they may be:

  • Session cookies: are designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a website.
  • Persistent cookies: those in which the data is stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the party responsible for the cookie (which can range from a few minutes to several years).

Depending on the purpose for which they process the information they collect, they may be:

  • Technical cookies: those essential and strictly necessary for the correct functioning of a web portal and the provision of the contracted service.
  • Customisation cookies: are those that allow the user to access the service with predefined characteristics, such as language, browser type, regional configuration, etc.
  • Analysis cookies: collect information on the use of the website.
  • Advertising cookies: collect information about users' preferences and personal choices.
  • Affiliate cookies: allow tracking of visits from other websites, with which the website establishes an affiliation contract.

5. Types of cookies used by this website

The cookies used on our website are session and third-party cookies, and allow us to store and access information relating to language, the type of browser used and other general characteristics predefined by the user, as well as to track and analyse the activity carried out by the user in order to improve and provide our services in a more efficient and personalised manner. The cookies used are, in any case, of a temporary nature, with the sole purpose of making browsing more efficient. Under no circumstances do these cookies themselves provide personal data and they are not used to collect such data.

The use of cookies offers advantages such as, for example:

  • To facilitate the user's browsing and access to the different services offered by this website.
  • Avoid the user having to configure the predefined general features each time he/she accesses the website.
  • To favour the improvement of the functioning and services provided through this website, after the corresponding analysis of the information obtained through the cookies installed.

By accessing our website, you are informed that if you continue browsing, various third-party cookies will be installed, thereby consenting to the installation of certain cookies whose sole purpose is to record access to our website in order to compile anonymous statistics on visits, always collecting information anonymously. It is not necessary to accept the installation of these cookies, you will still be able to browse our website.

Cookies from social networks may be installed in various sections of our website, specifically the following:

[Para rellenar las siguientes tablas, en Chrome -> Inspeccionar -> Pestaña «Application» -> Cookies -> elegir dominio a visualizar. Ahí pueden verse las cookies instaladas y sus nombres. Después habría que buscar en la web información como su caducidad y finalidad. En caso de ser de Google (Analytics, AdSense, DocubleClick, AdWords, etc.) ver y]

Google Analytics
_ga From third parties 2 years It is used to store a unique customer identifier (customer ID), which is a randomly generated number. Once the ID is generated, it is stored in the cookie and is included in each visit or request sent to Google Analytics. It is then used by Google Analytics servers to calculate user, session and campaign data. Non-exempt
_gid From third parties 24 hours Used to distinguish users Non-exempt
_utma From third parties 2 years This cookie keeps track of the number of times a user has been to a site, when they first visited, and when they last visited. Non-exempt
_utmz From third parties 6 months This cookie helps record the traffic source or campaign; it keeps track of which search engine the visitor used, which links they clicked on, which keywords they used and from where in the world they accessed the page. Non-exempt


Google AdSense


Double Click


(*) For more information on the cookies used by Google, please see

6. Revocation

You can access your browser settings at any time by accepting or rejecting all cookies, or by selecting which cookies you accept and which you do not, by following one of the following procedures, depending on the browser you are using:

These browsers are subject to updates or modifications, so we cannot guarantee that they are fully compatible with your browser version. It may also be that you are using another browser not covered by these links, such as Konqueror, Arora, Flock, etc. To avoid these mismatches, you can access them directly from your browser options, usually in the "Options" menu, in the "Privacy" section. Please consult your browser's help for more information.

7. Deactivation/Activation and deletion of cookies

Cookies are restricted or blocked through browser settings.

If you do not want websites to place any cookies on your computer, you can adjust your browser settings so that you are notified before any cookies are placed. Similarly, you can adjust your browser settings so that your browser rejects all cookies, or only third-party cookies. You can also delete any cookies that are already on your computer. Please note that you will need to adjust the settings separately for each browser and computer you use.

Please note that if you do not wish to receive cookies, we can no longer guarantee that our website will function properly. Some features of the site may be lost and you may no longer be able to view certain websites. Also, rejecting cookies does not mean that you will no longer see advertisements. Advertisements will simply not be tailored to your interests and will be repeated more frequently.

Each browser has a different method of adapting the settings. If necessary, consult the browser's help function to set the correct settings.

To disable cookies on your mobile phone, please refer to your device's manual for more information.

You can learn more about cookies on the Internet at

Given the way the Internet and websites work, we do not always have information on cookies placed by third parties via our website. This applies especially to cases where our website contains so-called embedded elements: texts, documents, images or short films that are stored elsewhere, but are displayed on or via our website.

Therefore, in the event that you encounter such cookies on this website and they are not listed above, please let us know. Alternatively, please contact the third party directly to request information about the cookies it sets, the purpose and duration of the cookie, and how it has ensured your privacy.


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Reservar a través de nuestra web tiene beneficios

Si realizas tu reserva en Lagar del Chorro desde nuestra página web, obtendrás beneficios durante tu estancia, concretamente el Pack de Bienvenida, que incluye productos típicos de la zona y varios extras para tu estancia con nosotros.

Lagar del Chorro | Casa rural cerca del Caminito del Rey
El Lagar del Chorro - Casa Rural Malaga - Casa Junto al Caminito del Rey
👉 Te ayudamos con tu reserva